Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

HA! I have no idea what I was worried about! Classes were great! Granted, I only had 2, but still.....
Italian is starting from the very beginning, thank god. My teacher, Isabella, is very helpful and will teach us a lot. Either tomorrow or monday, she's taking us to the market to learn how to get things there.
I really enjoyed Masterpieces in the Vatican today. Simona, my prof, is so smart and interesting. She does a lot of restoration work. She believes that in order to understand the Vatican, we first have to learn about the Romans. Therefore, we spent all of class today at the Palatine Hill amongst the ruins. It was really interesting to learn about the different eras and the architecture in each one. I think this course will correspond nicely with my archaeology course.
My mythology class was canceled because Luccia is in the US, but everyone I talked to says she is a huge classics buff and is fluent in Latin and Ancient Greek. I can't wait to take class with her.
It's been awhile since I've been this excited for classes, cross your fingers that it stays that way :-)

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