Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just want to start by saying that Arcadia runs the best program ever! They definitely know how to keep us happy. Today was our last day of orientation and we certainly ended it right.
Yesterday morning we drove north into Umbria, almost to the border with Tuscany. We were in a town called Vetralla, near the city of Viterba. We immediately went to a Roman Spa and spent the day lounging. I got a heavenly foot massage that quickly repared the week's worth of walking damage. Then, for about 3 hours, everyone swam in the natural mineral bath/hot springs and fell asleep in the sun. It was so relaxing and a great opportunity to get to know one another. After everyone got an appropriate shade of pink, we went to the city of zViterbo. Viterbo is a medieval walled-in city with the narrow cobble stone streets and hopping little squares. After walking around there, we returned to the hotel.
Ok, so this hotel isn't a normal hotel. It is what's called an agriturismo. A family farm is converted into a hotel of sorts where tourists can come and stay. This farm was ridiculously beautiful. There were olive groves and a vineyard and a horse and dogs and cats and everything that makes me happy. The rooms were very beautiful and comfortable. And the best part....they cooked a traditional italian meal. I'm sorry if this bores you, but I have to go into detail:
First course: several different types of meats including prosciutto and salami, fresh olives, bread, bruschetta, cheese pastries, grilled vegetables, chickpeas, spinach rolls, fresh beans
Second Course: Pasta with a meat and tomato sauce
Third Course: Steak(really really good steak)
Fourth Course: Salad with olive oil and viniagrette
Fifth Course: Berry and Cream tart
And all the wine we wanted.....
The incredible thing about this place is that everything they serve is grown on the farm. It's really incredible(and delicious).
After dinner, we were just sitting around the table, when one of the waitresses(the daughter in the family) turned down the lights and started up some music. Even though seconds earlier we were all ready to go into a food coma, we got up and danced for hours. It was so unexpected, but so much fun to dance with everyone and let loose. Unfortunately, haha, I danced a little too hard during 'What Is Love?' and pulled a muscle in my neck. Oops.
Today, we woke up to another incredible meal....all homemade pastries(if I lived at that house, I'd be about 3,000 pounds) Then, we went to 2 olive oil co-operatives, getting tours and tasting their products at each. I definitely want to go back in November when the olive oil is being made. We went back to the hotel for a grill out(as you can tell, these past 2 days have been about eating), then started our trip back to Roma.
Tomorrow, classes start up. I'm very excited and a little nervous. We'll see how it goes :-) Arrivederci!

1 comment:

  1. Eliza, you can talk about food as much as you like, but I am thankful I read this AFTER eating dinner, because otherwise I'd be starving. What a cool idea for a hotel...like a fancy farm bed and breakfast...
