Saturday, September 26, 2009

Roman Forum+Friends=Great Week

This week has been a lot of fun. Wednesday night I went to a concert. It was a group based out of Rome that played music from all over the world. The group was made up of refugees that have ended up in Rome. This concert was their version of The Magic Flute. The music was extremely interesting, with a whole new twist.
On Thursday night, I was able to see my best friend Dan. He's studying abroad in Spain and came to Rome to visit. We went out to this incredibly delicious dinner over by Piazza Navonna. I love being able to pick a random restaurant and guaranteeing that you'll have a great meal.
Then, on Friday, we went to the Colosseum(my 2nd time), the Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum. I still love and will always love the Colosseum. However, the Roman Forum is just badass. It is crazy to think of the Forum as the downtown of the roman world. This is where politicians came to make speeches; where romans bought food at market; where the vestal virgins lived and prayed; and where Julius Caesar was burned after his assassination. It is just so cool to imagine, regardless of whether or not you are a classics nerd.
I could spend days upon days examining the curia(senate house) or the arch of Titus. And I fully plan on doing so as soon as the opportunity arises. If anyone ever needs a tour guide and wants to pay the 11 euros to get me in, I'm so there. In fact, next summer, you might just find me amongst the ruins giving tours to huge groups of people. Best job ever?
Hope life is well. Ciao

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