Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Last saturday I went for a day trip to Sienna: It was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
It was a trip with my roommates and we woke up really early to get there. Unfortunately, we took a regional train, so it took 3.5 hours to get there....lots of napping time at least. For the last part of the trip we met a professor that teaches at the University of Sienna. He is a Psychology professor, but does a lot of stuff with art history as well. He began talking to us about his life(as professor's will often do) and we learned that he is a close friend of Dan Brown, author of 'The Davinci Code'. He helps Mr.Brown with his research projects for the books. He was also talking to us about the political system and corruption and all sorts of interesting things. I love how excited professors can get when they share information with someone who's willing to listen.
When we arrived at Sienna, the professor gave us a quick rundown of the city and bought us some famous cookies from Sienna called Cavallucci. These cookies are delicious; they're filled with nuts and fruit and spices and all that is good. We spent the morning wandering the streets and checking out some churches. In the Church of Santa Dominigo, we found the head and finger of St.Catherine. Yep, her head, you could see it, in all its shriveled and disgusting glory.
We went out to lunch at a place the prof recommended, and spent our time chatting and laughing. After lunch, my roommate Christine and I, climbed the highest tower in Italy. It had over 400 steps and it was this really tiny passageway that wound it's way up. Very very cool. The view from the top was incredible. You could see all of Sienna and off into the Tuscan country side. You know how most towers stop at a platform for people to get out and take pictures...this one had that, but you could also go alllllll the way up to the tippy top with the bell. It was definitely one of the best views I've ever seen. I'll put up pictures, I promise...still don't have my computer.....
The rest of the day was spent wandering the streets some more and buying more presents. Again, mom and dad, your x-mas presents are going to be awesome.
If ever in Italy, I would definitely suggest a trip to Sienna. It's a beautiful little town surrounded by beautiful countryside. If anyone ever goes, I'll be happy to give a tour :-)
Ciao bella!

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